The costumes in Serenity: clues that tell a story

When the characters speak through what they wear

The British director Steven Knight gave a noir film aesthetic to his next film Serenity. An imprint that has to be seen in every element of this thriller starring Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway.   

It is for this reason that clothing is a very important element to create this environment. Danny Glickman, costume designer, revealed: "What was really fun about the costume design for Serenity is that there is a duality in all the characters, their stories, their world and their understanding of their predicaments."  

Serenity. The past returns with a strange proposal

To create Captain Baker Dill (McConaughey), Glickman said: "Matthew and I work very closely to find a look that is deceptively simple, but as the story progresses you realize that it could be a very faithful reflection of the life he is living."  

 While for Karen’s character (Anne Hathaway) the choice had another starting point: "What I love about Karen is that she presents many questions about the way she introduces herself, always with elegance, always meticulously. But I think there's a very important question throughout the movie about who Karen is."  

 While captain Dill had only one obsession: to fish a giant tuna, the appearance of his ex-wife (Hathaway) takes him back to the past, where a murder proposal will not be what it seems.

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