Behind the scenes of films: the creative process of a screenwriter

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A few weeks ago, we talked about the different types of screenplays so today we’d like to tell you how to actually write a script. What is the screenwriter's creative process? (If you missed the previous news, don't worry, you can take a short break and read it here!

The first thing the screenwriters face is the blank page. That piece of paper -or computer screen- that shows the idea in that person's mind has not yet been shaped to become a movie. So where do they start from?

First of all, they must understand why they want to write that story, what the purpose is. They can feel a lot of pressure because this is often their only livelihood and nothing guarantees their idea will necessarily be a success. But sometimes the opposite is true: they are already successful, renowned, so the expectations of the audience and industry critics are extremely high. And so is the pressure. That is why we think it is always very important to have a purpose when embarking on this literary adventure.

Secondly, the place chosen to write is vital. An airy, clean, comfortable and distraction-free place would be the best because helping inspiration is important. Another aspect to keep in mind is to have the ideas or plan as clear as possible. Will it be an autobiography? Will it be fiction? A hybrid? Will it be inspired by other people's lives?

Writing well is definitely a talent. To be able to tell a story, make it into a film project, see it reflected on a big screen and have the attention of thousands of people is a great challenge and every challenge requires perseverance and sustained sacrifice.


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