Tesla, one of humanity's brightest minds

The inventor played by Nicholas Hoult in The Current War

It was recently known in the news that inventor Nikola Tesla predicted mobile phones one hundred years before its creation.

 This true genius, who died in 1943, was an inventor of Serbo-Croatian descendant and one of the most visionary minds in science. Now we have the chance to get to know him more closely thanks to the film The Current War.


The War of the Currents defined our world

 The film chronicles the struggle between inventors and entrepreneurs Thomas Edison (played by Benedict Cumberbatch) and George Westinghouse (Michael Shannon) to impose their ideas on the electrical system the country should adopt.

 A struggle that adopted the name of the Wars of the Currents and that was fought between the end of the 1880s and the beginning of the 1890s.

 Testla appears within that context, another of the most lucid minds of the time, to propose the alternating current, somewhat surpassing the direct current proposed by Edison.

 In an interpretation that will give plenty to talk about, actor Nicholas Hoult embodies this brilliant mind in a film you cannot miss.

 Known for his contribution to the discovery of X-rays, radar or remote control, Tesla thus becomes a determining factor in a story that largely explains the world as we know it today.

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