Science fiction: from the movies to the real life

How many stories do we see on the big screen that become part of our present?

Science fiction films tell countless stories that are set in the future or that include futuristic elements. From spaceships traveling from planet to planet to cell phones, most of the devices of our present were, at some point, imagined for fiction.

As this type of genre progressed, authors were increasingly encouraged to delve into technology, into fictionalized versions of the future, and every detail was more precise. That high precision is no longer an invention but part of our reality. Total Recall (1990) shows full-body scanners that are now commonplace in airports, and retinal scanners like the ones shown in Minority Report are becoming increasingly common too. Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey features many elements that are now part of our daily life: talking devices (e.g. "Alexa"), e-books and space stations.

What other Diamond films might predict the future? In The Space Between Us, the film delves into the possibility of living on Mars, a concept that is still being researched and considered for the future. On the other hand, the film Transcendence presents a machine that combines the collective intelligence of everything known with all human emotions. Therefore, the seventh art continues the debate on artificial intelligence, all its infinite capabilities, and the limits that should be set to differentiate it from human beings.

What other films would you add to this list?

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